There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.- Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith
I guess it was more that 10 years back at my aunt's house's lawn I was standing with my father when he said to me that I should always consider him my friend. A few years back he told me he would never leave me. Alhamdulillah I get to talk to him daily. I talk to my mother when the night start and before going to bed it's my father. I avoid talking to both of them at once. If I do that then I won't have the chance to talk to any of them again until the next day arrives. I mostly prefer enjoying luxuries slow.
Yesterday, just after a test I had, my room mate picked me up at 9 pm outside the ECS building. A few minutes later we were four people watching 'Unborn' at a theatre in Plano. We followed it with a dinner at IHOP. Earlier in the day I had lists of things ready to be finished in the coming 48 hours. Alhamdulillah I am done with them all - there were lease papers to be taken care of, bills to be paid online, a test to be taken, an assignment to be submitted and some commitments to be delivered. I could list out hour by hour detail on my last five days and wonder how I could do all that. But when I stare at the bottom line perhaps the only thing to cherish is Allah helping me all through.
Though I comb my hair at least once daily but I got to see my face in the mirror today. My hair have grown up beyond being called accepted and my beard seem to have taken over my complexion. The moment I realized about them I ended up saying "oh!". I remember saying "oh!" when I calculated the number of kilometers I drove on Saturday early morning. I said "oh!" when I checked out the cost of a Dollar in Rupees. I said "oh!" when I realized how long it has been since I have had any form of conversation with any friend from India.
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