Friday, May 12, 2006

This is for today ... I mean Friday :D

After updating for yesterday today morning my friend came to my house and we went to our college again. We just roamed around after the Friday prayers.

I felt a different kind of blankness when I was there in my college. It was like something missing. Not missing in the college or within me, but something that I used to have when I was there a month back. It was as if I was looking around without any purpose and I was looked at as a purposeless. I tried to be at every place which had somethning to do with my memories and now that they are gone, it was a feelingless vaccum that was making me feel empty. But ... it was nice .... and I am doing great ... really great.

I slept after I was back home and woke up only in the evening. Then I heard my dad talking on phone to some people about the advertisement of his school which is expected to appear in the urdu newspapers of the city for the next two days. I also came to know about the restrictions and rules the government 'inflicts' on the private schools just to show its presense.

There was somthing about yesterday I forgot to write in the previous update. Yesterday in the evening while I was pouring tea into the cups, the vessel in which I prepared it started slipping from between the cloth I use to hold hot vessels. I repulsively tried to hold it harder and it gave the vessel a jerk that made the hot tea spill in my hand. I just managed to keep the vessel back on the platform, and ran to the sink. When I turned the tap on, there wa warm water coming from it and that made my hand feet the burn even more. I thought I will now see a big rash or a puss filled wound. I poured some cold water on it and later I was happy to see that it had just given me a light red rash.

The burning sensation I felt was really painful and I remember the last time when I got my fingures burnt. Thta was way back in my school days, may be more that 8 years ago.

From this experience I learnt 3 things - always use the tongs to lift hot vessels, never get tensed when anything starts to slip, and remember that when you open the water tap in summer you can only get warm water. I hope I always remember these things.

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